Can Cats Eat Kiwi? A Complete Guide for Cat Owners

If you are a cat owner who loves kiwi, you may have wondered if you can share this delicious and nutritious fruit with your feline friend. Kiwi is a tropical fruit that has a sweet and tangy flavor, a soft and juicy texture, and a bright green color. Kiwi is also rich in vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants, making it a healthy snack for humans.

But what about cats? Can cats eat kiwi, too? Is it safe and good for them, or is it harmful and toxic? In this article, we will answer all your questions about can cats eat kiwi, such as:

  • Is kiwi toxic to cats?
  • What are the benefits and risks of feeding kiwi to cats?
  • How much and how often can you give Kiwi to your cat?
  • What are the best types and ways of preparing kiwi for cats?
  • What are some alternatives to kiwi for cats?

By the end of this article, you will have a clear and comprehensive understanding of can cats eat kiwi, and how to make the best choices for your cat’s diet and well-being. Let’s get started!

Is Kiwi Toxic to Cats?

The good news is that kiwi is not toxic to cats. In fact, kiwi is one of the few fruits that are generally safe and harmless for cats to consume. Unlike some other fruits, such as grapes, raisins, or cherries, kiwi does not contain any substances that can cause poisoning, allergic reactions, or organ damage in cats.

However, this does not mean that kiwi is a necessary or beneficial food for cats. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need meat as their main source of nutrition. Their digestive system is not designed to process large amounts of plant matter, and they may have trouble digesting kiwi. Too much kiwi can cause stomach upset, diarrhea, or vomiting in cats.

Therefore, kiwi should only be offered to cats as an occasional treat, and not as a regular part of their diet. Kiwi should also be given in moderation, and not more than once a week. If you want to give your cat some kiwi, make sure it is organic, fresh, and thoroughly washed. You should also remove any seeds, skin, or hard parts that can pose a choking hazard.

What are the Benefits and Risks of Feeding Kiwi to Cats?

While kiwi is not a necessary or beneficial food for cats, it can have some positive and negative effects on their health and behavior. Here are some of the potential benefits and risks of feeding kiwi to cats:

Benefits of Feeding Kiwi to Cats

  • Kiwi is rich in water, fiber, and vitamins, which can help with hydration, digestion, and immunity in cats. Water and fiber can help prevent constipation, hairballs, and urinary tract infections in cats. Vitamins, such as vitamin C, E, and K, can help support the cat’s skin, coat, and blood clotting.
  • Kiwi can provide some variety and enrichment to the cat’s diet and environment. Some cats may enjoy the taste, texture, and smell of kiwi, and may find it stimulating and fun to play with. Kiwi can also help satisfy the cat’s natural instinct to chew on plants, which can reduce their boredom and stress.
  • Kiwi can help with weight management and dental health in cats. Kiwi is low in calories, carbohydrates, and fats, which can help prevent obesity and diabetes in cats. Kiwi can also help clean the cat’s teeth and gums, and prevent plaque and tartar buildup.

Risks of Feeding Kiwi to Cats

  • Kiwi can cause digestive problems and nutritional deficiencies in cats. As mentioned earlier, cats are not well-equipped to digest large amounts of plant matter, and may experience stomach upset, diarrhea, or vomiting after eating kiwi. Kiwi can also interfere with the cat’s absorption of essential nutrients, such as protein, taurine, and iron, which can lead to malnutrition and health issues.
  • Kiwi may contain harmful chemicals and parasites that can affect the cat’s health. If the kiwi is not organic, fresh, and thoroughly washed, it may contain pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals that can be toxic to cats. Kiwi may also harbor bacteria, fungi, or worms that can cause infections or diseases in cats.
  • Kiwi may not be appealing or satisfying to cats. Cats have a different sense of taste and smell than humans, and they may not find kiwi very tasty or attractive. Some cats may ignore or reject kiwi, while others may only nibble on it out of curiosity. Kiwi may also not fill the cat’s stomach or appetite, and may leave them hungry and frustrated.

How Much and How Often Can You Give Kiwi to Your Cat?

If you decide to give your cat some kiwi, you need to follow some guidelines on how much and how often you can do so. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Only give your cat a small amount of kiwi at a time, and not more than once a week. A small amount means a few slices or chunks of kiwi, and not a whole fruit or a large portion. Too much kiwi can cause digestive problems and nutritional deficiencies in cats, as well as obesity and diabetes if given too frequently.
  • Only give your cat kiwi as an occasional treat, and not as a regular part of their diet. Kiwi should not replace or interfere with your cat’s normal meals, which should consist of high-quality, balanced, and complete cat food that meets their nutritional needs. Kiwi should also not be mixed with other foods, such as meat or dairy, as this can cause digestive issues and food allergies in cats.
  • Only give your cat kiwi that is organic, fresh, and thoroughly washed. Avoid giving your cat kiwi that is wilted, spoiled, or moldy, as this can cause food poisoning in cats. Also avoid giving your cat kiwi that is sprayed with chemicals or contaminated with parasites, as this can cause toxicity or infections in cats. Wash the kiwi well and chop it into small pieces before offering it to your cat.
  • Monitor your cat’s reaction and behavior after giving them kiwi. Observe your cat for any signs of digestive distress, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of appetite, or allergic reactions, such as itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing. If you notice any of these symptoms, stop giving your cat kiwi and contact your veterinarian immediately. Also, pay attention to your cat’s preferences and personality. If your cat does not like or enjoy kiwi, do not force them to eat it or try to trick them into eating it. Respect your cat’s choices and find other ways to bond with them.

What are the Best Types and Ways of Preparing Kiwi for Cats?

If you want to give your cat some kiwi, you may wonder what are the best types and ways of preparing it for them. There are many varieties of kiwi, such as green, gold, or red, and they have different characteristics, such as flavor, texture, and color. However, there is no definitive answer to which type of kiwi is best for cats, as it depends on your cat’s preferences and tolerance.

Some cats may prefer sweet and juicy kiwi, such as gold or red, while others may prefer sour and firm kiwi, such as green. Some cats may like bright and colorful kiwi, while others may like plain and simple kiwi. The best way to find out what type of kiwi your cat likes is to experiment with different varieties and see how they react.

However, regardless of the type of kiwi, there are some general rules on how to prepare it for cats. Here are some dos and don’ts of preparing kiwi for cats:

  • Do wash the kiwi well and chop it into small pieces. This will help remove any dirt, chemicals, or parasites that may be on the kiwi, and prevent choking or intestinal blockage in cats.
  • Do remove any seeds, skin, or hard parts from the kiwi. These parts can be tough and indigestible, and may cause choking or intestinal blockage in cats.
  • Do offer the kiwi raw or lightly cooked. Raw kiwi can provide more water, fiber, and vitamins to cats, while lightly cooked kiwi can be easier to digest and more palatable for some cats. However, avoid overcooking or seasoning the kiwi, as this can destroy the nutrients and add salt, oil, or spices that can be harmful to cats.
  • Don’t give your cat kiwi that is frozen, canned, or dried. These forms of kiwi can lose their nutritional value and freshness, and may contain preservatives, additives, or sugar that can be bad for cats.
  • Don’t give your cat kiwi that is mixed with other ingredients, such as yogurt, honey, or nuts. These ingredients can be high in calories, fats, or carbohydrates, and may cause obesity, diabetes, or pancreatitis in cats. They can also cause digestive problems, food allergies, or choking in cats.

What are Some Alternatives to Kiwi for Cats?

If you are looking for some alternatives to kiwi for cats, there are some other options that you can consider. However, keep in mind that these options are also not necessary or beneficial

or other chemicals that can be toxic to cats. Kiwi may also harbor bacteria, fungi, or worms that can cause infections or diseases in cats.

  • Kiwi may not be appealing or satisfying to cats. Cats have a different sense of taste and smell than humans, and they may not find kiwi very tasty or attractive. Some cats may ignore or reject kiwi, while others may only nibble on it out of curiosity. Kiwi may also not fill the cat’s stomach or appetite, and may leave them hungry and frustrated.

How Much and How Often Can You Give Kiwi to Your Cat?

If you decide to give your cat some kiwi, you need to follow some guidelines on how much and how often you can do so. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Only give your cat a small amount of kiwi at a time, and not more than once a week. A small amount means a few slices or chunks of kiwi, and not a whole fruit or a large portion. Too much kiwi can cause digestive problems and nutritional deficiencies in cats, as well as obesity and diabetes if given too frequently.
  • Only give your cat kiwi as an occasional treat, and not as a regular part of their diet. Kiwi should not replace or interfere with your cat’s normal meals, which should consist of high-quality, balanced, and complete cat food that meets their nutritional needs. Kiwi should also not be mixed with other foods, such as meat or dairy, as this can cause digestive issues and food allergies in cats.
  • Only give your cat kiwi that is organic, fresh, and thoroughly washed. Avoid giving your cat kiwi that is wilted, spoiled, or moldy, as this can cause food poisoning in cats. Also avoid giving your cat kiwi that is sprayed with chemicals or contaminated with parasites, as this can cause toxicity or infections in cats. Wash the kiwi well and chop it into small pieces before offering it to your cat.
  • Monitor your cat’s reaction and behavior after giving them kiwi. Observe your cat for any signs of digestive distress, such as vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of appetite, or allergic reaction, such as itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing. If you notice any of these symptoms, stop giving your cat kiwi and contact your veterinarian immediately. Also, pay attention to your cat’s preferences and personality. If your cat does not like or enjoy kiwi, do not force them to eat it or try to trick them into eating it. Respect your cat’s choices and find other ways to bond with them.

What are the Best Types and Ways of Preparing Kiwi for Cats?

If you want to give your cat some kiwi, you may wonder what are the best types and ways of preparing it for them. There are many varieties of kiwi, such as green, gold, or red, and they have different characteristics, such as flavor, texture, and color. However, there is no definitive answer to which type of kiwi is best for cats, as it depends on your cat’s preferences and tolerance.

Some cats may prefer sweet and juicy kiwi, such as gold or red, while others may prefer sour and firm kiwi, such as green. Some cats may like bright and colorful kiwi, while others may like plain and simple kiwi. The best way to find out what type of kiwi your cat likes is to experiment with different varieties and see how they react.

However, regardless of the type of kiwi, there are some general rules on how to prepare it for cats. Here are some dos and don’ts of preparing kiwi for cats:

  • Do wash the kiwi well and chop it into small pieces. This will help remove any dirt, chemicals, or parasites that may be on the kiwi, and prevent choking or intestinal blockage in cats.
  • Do remove any seeds, skin, or hard parts from the kiwi. These parts can be tough and indigestible, and may cause choking or intestinal blockage in cats.
  • Do offer the kiwi raw or lightly cooked. Raw kiwi can provide more water, fiber, and vitamins to cats, while lightly cooked kiwi can be easier to digest and more palatable for some cats. However, avoid overcooking or seasoning the kiwi, as this can destroy the nutrients and add salt, oil, or spices that can be harmful to cats.
  • Don’t give your cat kiwi that is frozen, canned, or dried. These forms of kiwi can lose their nutritional value and freshness, and may contain preservatives, additives, or sugar that can be bad for cats.
  • Don’t give your cat kiwi that is mixed with other ingredients, such as yogurt, honey, or nuts. These ingredients can be high in calories, fats, or carbohydrates, and may cause obesity, diabetes, or pancreatitis in cats. They can also cause digestive problems, food allergies, or choking in cats.

What are Some Alternatives to Kiwi for Cats?

If you are looking for some alternatives to kiwi for cats, there are some other options that you can consider. However, keep in mind that these options are also not necessary or beneficial for cats, and should only be given in moderation and with caution. Here are some alternatives to kiwi for cats:

  • Other fruits, such as blueberries, strawberries, or melon. These fruits can also provide water, fiber, and vitamins to cats, but they can also contain sugar, which can cause obesity, diabetes, or dental problems in cats. Therefore, they should be given sparingly and occasionally.
  • Cat treats, such as freeze-dried chicken, salmon, or liver. These treats are specially made for cats, and they can provide protein, taurine, and other nutrients that cats need. However, they can also be high in calories, fats, or additives, and may cause obesity, pancreatitis, or allergies in cats. Therefore, they should be given moderately and rarely.
  • Cat toys, such as balls, feathers, or mice. These toys are designed to stimulate the cat’s natural instincts, such as hunting, chasing, and playing. They can also help with exercise, mental stimulation, and stress relief in cats. However, they can also be dangerous if swallowed or broken, and may cause choking, intestinal blockage, or injury in cats. Therefore, they should be given under supervision and with care.


Kiwi is not a toxic or harmful food for cats, but it is also not a necessary or beneficial one. Cats are obligate carnivores, and they need meat as their main source of nutrition. Kiwi can provide some water, fiber, and vitamins to cats, but it can also cause digestive problems, nutritional deficiencies, and chemical or parasite contamination.

Therefore, if you want to give your cat some kiwi, you should do it only in moderation and as an occasional treat. You should also choose organic and fresh kiwi, wash it well, chop it into small pieces, and remove any seeds, skin, or hard parts. You should also monitor your cat’s reaction and behavior after giving them kiwi, and stop if you notice any signs of distress or allergy.

Remember, the best food for your cat is a high-quality, balanced, and complete cat food that meets their nutritional needs. Kiwi can be a fun and refreshing snack, but it should not replace or interfere with your cat’s regular meals. Always check with your vet before introducing any new foods to your cat, and enjoy your bond with your furry friend.

We hope you found this article helpful and informative. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for reading!


Here are some frequently asked questions about can cats eat kiwi, and their answers:

Q: Can cats be allergic to kiwi?

A: Yes, some cats may be allergic to kiwi, and show symptoms such as itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing. If you notice any of these signs, stop giving your cat kiwi and contact your vet immediately.

Q: Can cats eat kiwi seeds, skin, or hard parts?

A: No, cats should not eat kiwi seeds, skin, or hard parts, as they can be tough and indigestible, and may cause choking or intestinal blockage in cats. You should remove these parts before offering kiwi to your cat.

Q: Can cats eat other fruits besides kiwi?

A: Yes, some other fruits, such as blueberries, strawberries, or melon, can also be given to cats as occasional treats, but they should also be given in moderation and with caution, as they can contain sugar, which can cause obesity, diabetes, or dental problems in cats.

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